Senior Rebekah Tate is known around school for her zebra-striped prosthetic leg but now she’s getting attention for something else. Tate was featured in an Amtrak ad in the October 24 edition of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
“People have noticed me outside of school,” Tate said. “A coach saw me at a store and said ‘Hey, you’re in the paper.'”
In July, Tate and her family were waiting to board a train for Chicago for a mission trip when she was approached by Amtrak advertising employees.
“They noticed my leg and wanted to know if I wanted to be in an ad for them,” Tate said. “They took pictures of me inside and outside of the station and asked me a few questions. They told me they’d use my picture but they didn’t say exactly when.”
Tate’s family does not subscribe to the Star-Telegram so she was surprised when she came to school and people were talking about her.
“People gave me extra copies and my mom went out and bought 12 [papers] because everyone in my family wanted one,” she said.
Tate has taken the fame in stride.
“I was super excited to see the ad,” she said. “And a lot more people have been talking to me.”