Many young people dream of standing on a stage, surrounded by their cheering fans. They sing and dance and practice, but not many get to accomplish their dreams. Morgan Elam, freshman, however, has made her dream come true. She was recently signed to a record label, and will be performing at PantegoFest on Saturday.
The Colt: How did it feel to be signed?
Morgan Elam: Honestly, I felt relief. I’ve been working towards this for years and years.
TC: Are your family and friends supportive?
ME: Yes absolutely. Both sides of my family are super supportive. They’re such a blessing.
TC: Who are some of your musical influences?
ME: Definitely my dad. He’s a musical prodigy. He started us with Christmas albums for our family, and it grew into the album now.
TC: Do you ever go on iTunes to check your popularity?
ME: No I don’t. I try to stay with my roots.
TC: You’re playing at Pantego Fest soon, do you have any other shows scheduled?
ME: Not yet; but I’ve played many different places before.
TC: Where have you played?
ME: Six Flags, lots of bars, and I’ve played with Mark McKinney, that was really fun.
TC: Do you have any interesting or funny stories from a show you’ve played?
ME: The first time I ever threw up was right before a concert. I was playing at Toby Keith’s [restaurant] and was about to go on when I threw up right next to my producer. That wasn’t good.
TC: Where do you see yourself in ten years?
ME: In ten years, I would like to be on a stage in front of thousands of people. Maybe even at Madison Square Garden.