Homecoming approaches

The green and white attire sported by students and staff alike will reflect the atmosphere at large as the day of Homecoming draws near.

Fancy-dress Friday marks the big day, and perhaps students will enjoy showing up to school early to parade around in their finery at the Homecoming Breakfast (6:30-7:30). The feverish excitement, which has been burning at a lower temperature throughout the week, will undoubtedly come to a head at the Pep Rally in Gym A which starts at 1:30. At 7:30 Friday night, the battle begins and alumni will join students in spirited support of their stalwart Colts.

On Saturday, hopefully amid a euphoric ambience, the Homecoming Dance will take place, and the court, announced the night before during halftime, will take their rightful positions of royal rank. The theme of the dance is 1950’s sock hop and there will be prizes for students in costume. Tickets are $5 and are available in C200.