Movie as special today as it was 21 years ago
Monday was the 21st anniversary of the release of Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas, released in the U.S. on October 13, 1993. This movie follows Halloween Town ruler and Pumpkin King Jack Skellington, who has grown tired of the same routine of Halloween every single year. After coming across a set of doors, he is drawn to the one shaped like a decorated tree; this is where he finds Christmas Town, and he and his town strive to take Christmas as their own and bring as much joy to the holiday as Christmas Town does.
This movie is a beloved classics, and one of Tim Burton’s most popular films, though he did not direct it. Burton had the idea for the story, originally as a poem, but it was later adapted to into a film. Burton could not direct this film since he was working on Batman Returns, but luckily Henry Selick was able to take over the directing, with classic songs created by the talented Danny Elfman.
As a child, this was my favorite movie, and it still is to this very day. People often ponder whether they should watch this film on Halloween or Christmas, but I can watch it year round. I’ve watched this movie so many times, that I could probably recite the entire dialogue on the spot. The animation is stunning; it held up well in the early 90s, and still holds up even today. The figures and scenes are made so beautifully that it can take your breath away. The plot is so special, instead of making Jack into an antagonist, the viewer truly understand his harmless intentions and his almost childlike fascination with Christmas. The music is unforgettable and can easily get stuck in your head, in the loveliest way. The voice acting is top notch, as well as the singing in this film; it is apparent that the actors are sincerely enjoying what they are doing, making the characters even more likable than they already are. This film touches your heart and feels special.
If you haven’t already watched Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas, please do so.
If you have, how many times have you watched it? Who are your favorite characters? What are your favorite songs? Did you celebrate its 21st anniversary, or any anniversaries before that? Leave your comments about this movie below.

I'm a senior and this is my 3rd year on staff. I'm also in orchestra and NHS. I'm looking forward to college and am planning to study towards children's...