Junior Morgan Elam releases new single

In Morgan Elam’s newest single she reminds kids that just being yourself is okay. “Don’t let the bullies tell you that it’s not,” she said. Elam continues to advance her music career with new songs, new videos and performances across the state.
It’s been two years since we last talked to Morgan Elam, junior, and her music dreams have continued to soar. The Colt sat down with Morgan to talk about how things have changed since she first began her journey.
The Colt: What inspired your new single “Never Fit In”?
Morgan Elam: “Never Fit In” is based around bullying. It’s not really to tell bullies to stop bullying because they’re going to do that anyway but it’s mainly telling the victims to be strong and there’s always hope. Just being yourself is okay, don’t let the bullies tell you that it’s not.
TC: What’s happening in your musical life since we last interviewed you your freshman year?
ME: I had a radio tour for three weeks throughout California, New Mexico, Texas and Nevada. I opened for Pia Mia and Elijah Blake, which happened last weekend actually. I’m going to continue writing songs and putting them out on iTunes.
TC: Where has been your favorite place to perform?
ME: Well I just did a show in El Paso and they were really kind and generous people. The care that they had for me was amazing.
TC: On your social media, we’ve seen that you’ve been working on a music video; how’s that been going?
ME: That video that is on YouTube, my dad put together. The lyric video is coming out soon.
TC: How do you feel right before going on stage?
ME: Very nervous. I mean, it’s nerve racking when you’re off stage but when you get on and you start singing, you connect with the audience and the nervousness is just gone.
TC: What advice would you give aspiring artists?
ME: Even though it seems to be a really hard field to get into, like the music industry, keep going because you just never know the opportunities or people that you’ll meet and it will grow from there so just keep going.
TC: Have you had to overcome any obstacles in your music life so far?
ME: Yes, juggling school and music at the same time is really difficult and it gets in the way of family sometimes, but it’s what I love to do, so I really just try to balance it out as much as I can.
TC: Overall, what is your goal as an artist?
ME: My goal as an artist is to be… not really a role model, but to be someone that people can look to and say “I can relate to that personally, she understands how I feel”. Let’s say your depressed and you’re feeling like no one gets you and you hear a song and it’s like exactly how you feel. That’s going to make you feel like there’s some hope that you can talk to someone about what’s going on and just go from there. I just want to be a positive influence on everyone.

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