Documentary gives hope for future
Ideas that can change the world are not that far out of reach. In the not to distant future free energy, endless water and improved health could be the norm for us all.
“Billions in Change” is a YouTube documentary about multibillionaire Manoj Bhargava and his quest to change the world.
This man has funded the creation of or improvements upon numerous inventions that could change the world. His support helped develop or advance a bicycle that can generate clean energy, a machine that turns salt water into fresh water, and an artificial heart pump that increases circulation to the brain.
The first machine is a simply made bicycle attached to a rotating wheel and a battery that can charge a household for up to twenty-four hours. Bhargava has plans to give these to the poor for free. The economy is sure to feel the force of many countries rising out of poverty. Energy is one of the most basic necessity and is also one of the main factors contributing to successful first world countries.
Bhargava’s desalination machine is a complete game changer because the resource that it supplies is an even more basic need than electricity. This machine sucks water in by means of pressure and can turn the water into any level of purity. This includes being pure enough to drink and pure enough for agriculture use. Bhargava would like to install thousands of these machines on rigs off the shores of drought-plagued areas so they can pump fresh water into those communities. According to the documentary, Bhargava will give the model to scientists in Singapore and they “will distribute it from there”.
The last invention mentioned in the documentary was an artificial heart pump. It is placed around the legs and it squeezes against them to force the blood back to the heart and brain, thus increasing circulation. Bhargava claims that this machine will help prevent common brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s. He stresses that too many doctors focus on the act of curing disease rather than maintaining health, and that if people do not get sick then there is no need for medicine.
Bhargava is looking toward the future and so should all of us. He is working hard and making progress every day. If more people join his cause then the world may soon be a wealthier and more prosperous place.