Staffer suggests waiting to rent ‘The Jungle Book’
Almost 50 years after the original “Jungle Book” movie was released, I went to go see the highly anticipated new “Jungle Book” movie over the weekend. Although visually stunning, I was highly disappointed in how much detail was left out from the original movie.
If you haven’t seen the original movie than it may be worth your time to see the new release, but if you’re a fan of the beloved original children’s animated movie, you’re likely to be a little let down. While extending some of the scenes for more detail, other details were left out. For example, the snake, Shere Khan, played a much larger part throughout the original movie, while only making a small appearance in this version and as a different gender.
The basics of the original story were covered; however, the new film definitely should be judged separately due to several other differences. This version was not in anyway a musical like the original, but the producers knew they couldn’t dare leave out fan favorites “The Bare Necessities” and “I Wanna Be Like You.”
As for taking children to see this movie, for some it may be too scary due to violent and intense scenes such as when King Louie is chasing after Mowgli, destroying everything in his path as he goes. In the original, he is much more friendly so this could surprise children who had seen that version. Despite the violence, several positive messages can be taken from the movie and many of the characters are righteous role models.
Overall, it’s a movie I wouldn’t mind seeing again if a friend wanted to, but certainly not one I would suggest. There’s no rush to head to the theater to spend your hard-earned cash on this one, but maybe it’s worth a rental when it comes out on DVD. I give it a 6/10.

I've been on the yearbook staff for three years. I'm interested in going into the field of journalism so I thought I would join the newspaper staff this...