Lacey Carter
With a penchant for sci-fi movies, alt rock music and sports, Lacey Carter will probably have something in common with every student she meets.
The Colt: What university did you attend?
Lacey Carter: For my bachelor’s degree I went to Stephen F. Austin State University. I did my master’s work at the University of North Texas.
TC: Have you worked at any other schools besides AHS?
LC: I have worked at several other schools, I’m not going to go into a whole list of them but I’ve been to other school districts in the area.
TC: What did you teach before becoming an AP?
LC: I taught mostly fifth and sixth grade science.
TC: Why did you choose those subjects?
LC: I find that I enjoy teaching those subjects and I like to help students realize they like those subjects as well.
TC: Was becoming an AP always a part of the plan?
LC: No, actually for the longest time I wanted to stay in the classroom. I didn’t want to be an administrator. I was encouraged by my principal one year that I should go for that goal.
TC: When and where were you born?
LC: I was born in Nacogdoches some years ago.
TC: Tell us about your family.
LC: I am married. I have four sons who are all in their 20s. I have a sister and a brother.
TC: What do you do in your free time?
LC: I go to Dallas Stars hockey games, I watch ESPN, and I like to find new places to eat.
TC: What did you do over the summer?
LC: I worked all summer.
TC: Do you enjoy traveling? If so,where do you like to go?
LC: I do enjoy traveling. I like to go to Maui, Hawaii and Beaver Creek, Colorado. I’d like to go to Rome.
TC: Do you have any pets?
LC: I have an old English bulldog named Agnes because she’s so fluffy.
TC: Did you play any sports or were you involved with any clubs during high school or college?
LC: Not in high school and college but my whole childhood I was in gymnastics.
TC: Do you read? If so what genres do you prefer? Favorite author? Favorite book?
LC: I like to read magazines. Sometimes I’ll read a book, usually some type of fiction, and sometimes I do read some “make yourself better” books.
TC: What musicians/artist do you listen to?
LC: I like mostly alternative rock and old alternative rock. Some artist I enjoy are Death Cab for Cutie, INXS… there’s a whole lot.
TC: What kind of movies do you like to see?
LC: Anything “Star Wars”. Anything “Guardians”. So I guess anything sci-fi.
TC: Is there anything you’d like to tell the students of AHS?
LC: That I wish I could meet everybody individually so when I ask for your name don’t worry, you aren’t in trouble, I just want to know your name. This really is a very special high school. Everybody says that here but I’m coming from the outside and it really is a very, very special school. I think Colts Family is for real.