Victoria Youngblood-Baldwin
Back at her alma mater, Victoria Youngblood-Baldwin knows what it is like to be a student at AHS.
The Colt: What university did you attend?
VYB: I attended UTA for my bachelor’s as well as Dallas Baptist for my master’s.
TC: Have you worked at any other schools besides AHS?
VYB: I’ve worked at Irving High School and Bowie Middle School, as well as Grapevine Colleyville Collegiate.
TC: What did you teach before becoming an AP?
VYB: I taught English and AVID, followed by being a Dean of Students
TC: Why did you choose those subjects?
VYB: I chose English because I enjoy reading and I taught AVID because there was a demand for an AVID teacher. I also became a Dean of Students because I considered it to be a good fit and I enjoyed helping students in other areas besides learning material.
TC: Was becoming an AP always a part of the plan?
VYB: Yes and no. I felt like I could help more students and teachers if I took an AP position.
TC: Where were you born?
VYB: I was born in Germany.
TC: Tell me about your family.
VYB: I have one son named Elliot. I’m married, and I have a brother named Jackson.
TC: What do you do in your free time?
VYB: I enjoy going to family outings and going to parks, museums, food trucks, festivals. As a family I want my son to to experience different things.
TC: What did you do over the summer?
VYB: I had a road trip with my family. We went to Galveston and went on beach tours there.
TC: Do you enjoy traveling? If so, where do you like to go?
VYB: Yes I do enjoy traveling. I’ve been on cruises to Mexico, Guatemala and Puerto Rico. Some of my dream places to visit are Korea and Germany.
TC: Do you have any pets?
VYB: I have two cats named Marvin and Stella. They were both rescued.
TC: What high school did you go to?
VYB: I came here to AHS.
TC: Did you play any sports or were you involved with any clubs during high school or college?
VYB: I was a part of the drum major.
TC: Do you read? If so what genres do you prefer? Favorite author? Favorite book?
VYB: I enjoy reading memoirs especially because they provide an insight to the lives of other people.
TC: What musicians/artist do you listen to?
VYB: I like all types of music.
TC: What kind of movies do yonu like to see?
VYB: I enjoy watching action and drama movies.
TC: Is there anything you’d like to tell the students of AHS?
VYB: I’ve been in your shoes.