Review: Staffer revisits childhood through Netflix cartoon series “Green Eggs and Ham”

More stories from Yasmin Herrera
Ah yes the iconic Dr. Seuss book, “Green Eggs and Ham”. It seems that in the 59 years since it was originally published the whole country has at some point read it or has had it read to them. The book is a classic and in my opinion an American staple in children’s books. So when Netflix released a cartoon series based off the book I just had to watch it to see if it would be just as good, or even better than the book.
My expectations for this 13-episode series was honestly pretty low. My younger cousins love Netflix and I, by spending time with them, have seen my fair share of Netflix cartoons. None have impressed me so naturally I thought I’d feel the same with this. However, this is based off a Dr. Seuss book I love so I gave it a try and let me tell y’all, I do not regret it one bit.
Let me begin with the opening song of this cartoon. It. Is. Amazing. It is catchy, gives the viewer an adrenaline rush and will have you wanting to dance along. The song radiates vibes that scream fun and adventurous.
The series showcases all sorts of adventures for the two protagonists, Sam-I-Am and Guy-I-Am. They go on a wild goose chase, search for food for a “chickeraffe” and escape from bad guys. What I really enjoyed about the series is that through all the crazy adventures viewers can witness that Sam-I-Am and Guy-I-Am have been given more character, their personalities are no longer restricted by the amount of pages that are in the book. Now that they are in a series they have been given more opportunity to showcase their true colors and I love that. We get to know more about these lovable and wacky characters.
In addition to all the exciting expeditions they set out on, the script is something I feel also deserves recognition. Dr. Seuss is known for his rhymes and while not all of the show’s script rhymes, a good portion of it does. I really admire it because creating an engaging and interesting script isn’t the easiest job, and then toss in some rhyming, to do all that you sure gotta be talented.
But the talent doesn’t just stop at the script. There are a handful of people who have created a name for themselves that take part in the cartoon such as Adam Devine, Ellen DeGeneres, John Turturro, Jillian Bell, Daveed Digs and Keegan-Micheal Key.
One of my biggest concerns was whether the essence of the characters and the world Dr. Seuss created would be depicted accurately. After watching the series I personally feel that essence is really captured well. The series is even more vibrant than all the books Dr. Seuss wrote because through the episodes the characters have voices, the colors are brighter and there is now music to go with all the madness that is the adventures the characters go on.
In the few weeks the series has been released it has received loads of generous feedback but Netflix has yet to make a statement on whether it will be renewed for a season two.
I suggest you sit and forget the rest while you watch the best cartoon series on Netflix right now.
(Okay, I tried wrapping this review up with a cute rhyme but not all of us are good at rhyming. My point is, this cartoon is definitely worth the time to watch.)

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