Winning T-shirt design represents seniors’ feelings as final year begins

Remi Vasquez, senior, designed this year’s senior t-shirt. She said the “droopy smiley faces represent our excitement about senior year but also how drained we are.”
With her interpretation of how the seniors are feeling coming into their final year after two years disrupted by Covid, Remi Vasquez, senior, won the senior t-shirt contest with her droopy smiley faces design. The Colt sat down with her to find out more about where her inspiration came from.
The Colt: How did you feel when you found out your design was chosen and who was the first person you told?
Remi Vasquez: I was happy and I told my mom first. She was upset that I didn’t tell her I entered the contest but she was happy for me.
TC: Where’d you get the inspiration for your design?
RV: I like more vintage looks and I wanted to put that into my design and smiley faces are cute and popular.
TC: Was there any meaning behind the design?
RV: We spent most of high school in Covid and the shirts last year just said senior on them and were simple. I wanted something that would represent all seniors this year. The droopy smiley faces represent our excitement about senior year but also how drained we are.
TC: Why’d you decide to enter the contest?
RV: I wanted to be involved and would’ve liked the senior shirt to be something that I designed.
TC: Did you have other designs in mind?
RV: I entered other designs in the contest. One was people in gowns throwing their caps into the air and it had a neon color with a solid green background and it said “Go Colts” at the top. The other was a Coca Cola inspired design.
TC: Is drawing or any other form of art a hobby of yours?
RV: I rarely do art. It’s usually only when I know it’s going to be showcased but I enjoy 3D art projects.
TC: Are you in any of the art or design classes here at school?
RV: No, because I’m in cosmetology and it takes up most of my schedule.
TC: Do you want to pursue a career in art or design?
RV: I want to do interior design.

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