Seniors create podcast to spotlight school
The popularity of podcasts has come to campus. A group of students have created The Stable Buddies, a podcast specifically about all things AHS. The Colt sat down with seniors Emma Delgado and Leslie Zacarias, and sponsor Eric Buechele to learn more about it.
The Colt: How did the idea of a podcast come about?
Emma Delgado: I was listening to podcasts like Jumpers Jump and wanted to do something like it.
Eric Bueduele: She came to me last year, told me her idea and asked if I could be the sponsor. She then had to fill out a form and get it approved by Ms. Humbles.
TC: What is talked about?
LZ: We talk about many things from organizations to urban legends.
ED: Pretty much just a place to talk.
EB: But it’s drama free, we don’t bring up anything controversial.
TC: Who all is involved?
Leslie Zacarias: Emma (host/president), Gonzo (co-host/vice president), Jonathan (co-host/ outreach manager), Gabi (secretary), Jaidyn (treasurer), Tamera (social media manager), and Renyejah (graphic designer).
TC: How did y’all come up with the name?
ED: It’s The Stable Buddies and we just tried to name it something to tie it in with the school.
TC: How often will y’all record podcasts?
LZ: We’re trying to do it twice a month.
TC: Where can listeners find it?
ED: Spotify when the first episode comes out.
LZ: You can find it on our YouTube channel too.
TC: If other kids are interested, can they get involved?
LZ: Yes, we’re really looking for some more underclassmen since we’re all seniors and it’ll be better if we have more students who can carry it on after we leave.

Hi, I'm Kaley. I'm a senior and this is my second year on the newspaper staff. My passion is writing, mostly fiction, and I want to be an author.